Sunday, June 11, 2017

IBB – Indian Blue Book Offers Professional Valuation Of Used Cars

Car valuation is the first step that a buyer and the seller should do before investing and before advertising respectively. First is to know the present price of the car and get all the details. The seller should not hike the price too much and neither the buyer should bargain and offer a lower sum of money than the valuation. Determining the exact car valuation is a must from both the sides. There are several car valuation companies in India and mostly they offer free service for determining the price of the car.
Car valuation is important for the following reasons:
Ø  It provides all the details for the customer who is opting to buy a used car.
Ø  The customer gets all the details form the car valuation chart
Ø  After getting all the details the customer has an idea of what is the actual price and the seller is asking for and whether he should invest or not
The website Indian Blue Book provides this opportunity to the users very easily. One just needs to type the two cars they want to know the features, similarities and differences and they will get their result in seconds. The new launches in the country or used ones all of them can be compared in this website along with a host of other opportunities.  There are a few steps you need to do before you decide to sell off your vehicle. These will only help you fetch a better price in the market and you will be able to strike a better bargain. The procedures are as follows:
·         First you need to go to any car site and type in all the details of your car, mileage covered etc and see the value of your car.
·         Secondly clean up your car completely. Remove all your things, fix any part if it needs to, wash it and if needed colour it too.
·         Thirdly take ample of photographs from all angles of the car both interior and exterior and post it in the site with every information needed to give about the car
·         Fourthly deal with the buyers alone. Do not let a third person come in between because he will charge commission for his task.
·         The buyers will bargain for the price but since you have already checked the value of your car and you have spent money in repairing and other stuffs include that money in the selling price and keep a little profit and say the price and stick to it. No matter how much the buyer bargains do not sell the car without keeping a profit because in future you will get more buyers.
·         Further keep all the documentation ready for the car. Ownership, registration, service papers and whatever documentation you have about the item.
·         When the buyer comes to visit and see the car keep it in a proper condition so that the customer is attracted to the item in first sight. Then point all the positive things about the car, do not miss out any single detail.
·         If the customer agrees to buy then handover the documents after he has paid the full amount.

·         After selling off your vehicle do go to the insurance company if it was insured and inform them about the sale and also from the showroom from you had originally purchased it within a span of 14 days. 

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